About Us
Megan Walsh graduated from the Canterbury College of Natural Medicine in 2010 and has since been busy building her massage clinic.
She specialises in treatment work and sports massage and counts many sports people amongst her clients.
Megan is a Massage Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) Registered Massage Therapist (RMT).
She is especially interested in working out the underlying reasons that cause many muscle dysfunctions and postural distortions affecting a lot of us. Her skills and knowledge ensure longer lasting treatment benefits.
Megan has also completed the Certificate in Advanced Sports Massage in 2011 and worked for over 2 years at SportsMed till 2016.
She enjoys sport and fitness herself and has a keen interest in helping athletes recover quicker from training or injury to reach race day in peak condition.
Ongoing Education
- Iliospoas specific techniques
- Advanced assessment skills
- Clinical orthopedic manual therapy and athrofascial stretching
- Integrative myofascial techniques for the shoulder girdle
- Muscle specific techniques for legs and hips
- Treatment of the cervical neck ligaments
- Bindewebsmassage technique
- McLoughlin scar tissue treatment techniques
- Introduction to Counterstrain
- Intrinsic Foot Strength
- Pain and Performance with Noi Group